Lawrence Foundation

The Lawrence Foundation

The Lawrence Foundation is a private family foundation focused on making grants to support environmental, human services and other causes. The Lawrence Foundation was established in mid-2000.

We make both program and operating grants and do not have any geographical restrictions on our grants. Nonprofit organizations that qualify for public charity status under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or public schools and libraries are eligible for contributions or grants.   

Grants are awarded twice a year. The grant application process is fairly simple and is initiated by submitting a grant application using the Common Grant Application Web site (can be accessed by clicking on the Link below). Specific advice about the types of grants that we will or will not fund and our deadlines is available on the website. Detailed information about all of the grants we have approved is available on the website. This should give you an insight into our interests and how they have evolved over time. If you think your grant application will fall within our interests then the process for submitting a grant application can be found at Apply for a Grant (on the website -- click on Link below).

The Common Grant Application Web site has tables that list the number of grant applications we have received during each year and the number and dollar amounts of grants that we have approved in each of those years. Grants that have been approved in one year may be paid over one or more years. As of our June 2018 cycle, we have received over 12,000 grant applications since the inception of our foundation and approved 610 of those applications for over $5 million.

Grants typically range between $5,000 - $10,000. In some limited cases we may make larger grants, but that is typically after we have gotten to know your organization over a period of time. We also generally don’t make multi-year grants, although we may fund the same organization on a year by year basis over a period of years.

General operating or program/project grant requests within our areas of interests are accepted.

We have two grant cycles a year. The deadlines are April 30 and November 1.  

» Link to More Info

For Grantwriting/Program Development Assistance:

Grants Office  
Phone: (585) 352-2773
Email: [email protected]