TITLE: Case Management Training
PRESENTER: Cassie Graff
AEPP CREDIT: 3 hours
REGISTRATION will CLOSE at Midnight: On
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If you cannot attend the training, please notify us by 9:00 a.m., 2 business days before the training date. Thank you.
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Case Management Training-Revised 2023. Recently updated by the NYSED Office of ACCES-Adult Education Program and Policy (AEPP for all Case Managers in adult education programs funded under Emploment Preparation Education (EPE) State Aide, Welfare Education Programs (WEP), or WIOA title II. The Requested for Proposals for Adult Literacy Education (ALE) Funding requires training in Case Management.
Case Managers will learn the ACCES-AEPP priorities and be able to share them with their students. Topic areas such as the 4 Pathways to the NYS High School Equivalency Diploma, the adult education intake process, and identification of the barriers to employment, including apprenticeship opportunities, will be covered. Case Managers are expected to become familiar with quality resources within their community and actively support their students by referring them to these resource organizations for their expertise.
This 3-hour training will count toward the required academic yearly 14 hours of professional development under ACCES-AEPP contracts/grants.
Which Finger Lakes RAEN (FL RAEN), agency are you representing? (Required)