Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES News Article

Yellow Zone student testing

Since the Governor issued Executive Order 202.68 designating parts of Monroe County as a Yellow Zone, we have been working with the Monroe County Department of Public Health and area school superintendents to operationalize the requirement that 20% of students and staff in school districts be tested each week until the yellow zone designation is lifted.  Schools must meet this requirement in order to continue in-person instruction.  
Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES is committed to providing our students and families with the best educational and related service experiences possible. We believe that having students in school is the best place to do this. Participating in the yellow zone testing program will help to drive the number of positive COVID-19 cases in the county down, thus ensuring in-person instruction can continue.   

Whether you decide to have your child participate in the testing program or not, you need to complete the BOCES 2 form indicating your decision as soon as possible. The easiest way to complete it is to click on this link: 
Parent Consent to Test form and complete it electronically. You can also complete the form on paper and return it to your child's school. 

The following is important information for you to know to help you make a decision to have your child participate in the program.
  • The test is free.
  • The test is a non-invasive rapid response test called the Abbott BinexNOW test. It simply requires a swab from the front part of each nostril. The results are ready within 15 minutes.  Click on this link to see a video demonstration from County Health Commissioner Dr. Mendoza so you can see exactly what the test is like
  • THIS IS NOT the test that requires a swab from the top of the nasal cavity that is very uncomfortable.  
  • You also have the choice to take your child to your personal doctor or local pharmacy to have the test done there and submit the results to your student’s administrator or nurse.
  • Students will be selected randomly each week and you will be notified prior to the test being administered. The test will be conducted by a trained BOCES 2 nurse. The results are confidential and will only be shared with the Monroe County Department of Public Health as is required by the Governor’s Executive Order.
  • You will be contacted when the results are known. If the results are positive, you will be asked to come to school to pick up your student and contact your health provider.
  • Testing will begin on Tuesday, November 17th.   

Thank you for your continued partnership in educating your child during this very trying time. Schools continue to be one of the safest places your child can be. By having your student participate in the testing program, you will help ensure that it stays this way.  If you have any questions about the testing program, please contact your student’s program administrator or teacher.

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