Boosting Virtual Engagement for ELLs
Starting 10/27/2020 at 3:30 PM until 5:00 PM
Event Groups:
• Mid-West RBE-RN - Mid-West RBE-RN Events
Are you looking for tools that will help your English Language Learners (ELLs) to be more engaged in online learning? This workshop will explore resources and strategies to support ELLs in the virtual classroom that support higher-level thinking. Participants will engage in a teaching strategy, the Question Formulation Technique (QFT), which provides a simple yet powerful way to teach students how to formulate, work with, and use their own questions. Time will be allotted to discuss and prioritize needs, develop a plan of action, and explore digital tools and resources that support ELLs with remote learning. Please register through Frontline: https://www.mylearningplan.com/WebReg/ActivityProfile.asp?I=3640522&D=18636
