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Holiday Celebration with Santa!
Children singing and dancing at the event
On Dec. 7, our SEPTO, in partnership with the Rochester West Central Kiwanis, hosted a Holiday Celebration. We had 184 attendees, about 20 Kiwanians, 18 SEPTO volunteers, and five BOCES staff at the event. This year, the event expanded from breakfast, music and a visit with Santa to also offer opportunities to learn and complete activities about Hanukkah, Kwanzaa and Winter Solstice. The Scholastic Book Fair and holiday decoration sale were also huge hits. A special thanks to students in the Community and Career Readiness Program, Professional and Technical Prep Program and the Career Exploration Center for making and donating the items which were sold to benefit SEPTO. The morning was filled with lots of smiles, laughter and lasting memories! Check out the Facebook photo album here: