Communication and Technology Services (CaTS) at Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES focuses on resources to help districts optimize the management and delivery of information by providing expert assistance in technology, writing, design, printing and multi- media. The CaTS Department is divided into individual groups that provide experience and expertise in different areas, yet work together in achieving this goal.
Provides school-community relations, graphics and printing services to help districts communicate with their key publics to ensure staff, parents and the community understand, have input, and help support educational goals for students.
Instructional Technology
Provides staff experienced in technology to work with teachers to integrate technology into their instruction and train them on how to use it effectively. Staff also provides support for districts in developing and implementing district-wide technology plans.
Library Services
Supports library automation, provides media resources for classroom instruction and professional development, and provides online fee-based subscriptions to a wide range of instructional resources.
Technical Support Services
Provides technology planning, support and staff development, helps schools integrate technology and instruction, and provide a test scoring and a data reporting service. A Help Desk is available to provide participating districts and BOCES staff with a single point of contact for all technical support needs.
For more information about our services, please contact:
Ray Miller
Supervising Manager
3625 Buffalo Road
Ph: 585-349-9000
Fax: 585-349-9012
[email protected]