This scholarship is for students residing within American Welding Society District 6 and attending or enrolling in the welding program at Monroe Community College. Two $2,500 scholarships are awarded annually.
The CM Armitage Electrical Scholarship Fund was established to award $800 to a deserving WEMOCO student annually. Applicants must work outside of school, be planning to go one for further education/training in the electrical field of study, be involved in school organizations or extracurricular activities, and have a good work ethic and character. The award is intended to be used towards college or preparing for a career.
Cameron B. Estes Scholarship Link to Application Link will be updated when available.
The Cameron B. Estes Scholarship will award $1,000 each to two seniors completing a program at WEMOCO. Students must have pursued a self-directed project outside of school and work, demonstrating a creative use of leisure time. Awarded scholarships are to be used toward further education or a professional pathway.
The Western New York School Bus Head Mechanics Association is offering a $500 scholarship. It will be available to a BOCES auto students going full time to a trade school to pursue a career in the field of automotive, heavy truck, or highway service and repair.
Make All the Difference Scholarships and Awards from the Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES Educational Foundation
These scholarships are for Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES students. There are two categories: scholarships for eligible expenses up to $5,000 for college or career/technical school and awards up to $1,000 for apprenticeships and other career training. The Foundation was established in 2002 to support students for whom alternative education has made all the difference.
The Donald F. and Maxine B. Davison Foundation has dedicated a $5,000 scholarship fund to be awarded in increments up to $2,500 to students in the communications, engineering, or nursing fields who have demonstrated a strong will/desire to work hard to achieve academic goals.
Two deserving career and technical education senior students who have earned distinction will be selected by the scholarship committee. There will be two scholarships presented: one for $5,000 and one for $1,500. The awards are to be used for educational expenses (tuition, books, supplies, fees, housing, etc.) at an accredited college, technical school or university.
NCCER is a nationally recognized education foundation for training, assessment, certification, and career development for the construction and maintenance craft professional. The scholarship presents five awards of $2,000 each year. These funds are available exclusively for NTHS student members who are currently studying a construction related discipline. Scholarship winners are chosen based on academic merit. Students will need their NTHS login information to apply.
This is a need-based scholarship for students attending or entering post-secondary business, vocational, or technical schools or programs in Monroe County, administered by the Rochester Area Community Foundation.
The ROMOLD, Inc. Scholarship Link to application information
ROMOLD, Inc. has dedicated a $500 scholarship to be awarded annually to a deserving WEMOCO student in the Engineering and Fabrication: Machining program on the path to manufacturing as a career. The intent is to provide one-time funding to a student to use for tools for the machining trade and/or related educational expenses.
Hilton Alumni Association Scholarship Scholarship Application
Information to be updated when available.
New York Schools Insurance Foundation / New York Schools Insurance Reciprocal (NYSIR)
Three scholarship programs are available to college bound students from NYSIR subscribing districts.
- THE BAMBINO SCHOLARSHIP is available to a special education student who has worked through his or her special challenges to complete high school and gain acceptance into a college or university. One statewide winner will receive a $5,000 award, one second prize winner will receive a $4,000 award and seven regional winners will receive $3,000 awards.
- THE JENSEN SCHOLARSHIP is available to a student who has excelled in design and who wishes to pursue this path in college. An overall winner will receive a $5,000 award and a runner-up will receive $3,000.
- THE GONCALVES STUDENT HUMANITARIAN SCHOLARSHIP is available to a student who demonstrates an involvement and work for a cause or organization that promotes social justice, equal opportunity, relief of human suffering or other humanitarian activity throughout their high school career. An overall winner will receive a $5,000 award and a runner-up will receive $3,000.
Rochester Area Community Foundation
Rochester Area Community Foundation's scholarship program offers more than 130 scholarship opportunities for students pursuing college, vocational training, or enrichment programs. Visit to review the Scholarship Booklet.
National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC) Greater Rochester Scholarship -Application details The scholarship program of the NAWIC Greater Rochester Chapter awards scholarships annually to female students entering the construction trades. One scholarship each is presented to a high school senior entering full-time schooling in a construction related field, an undergraduate/graduate student continuing their education in a construction related field, and to a female entering a training or similar program in the trades. The scholarship award recognizes their scholastic achievement, leadership, and goals as they look to continue their journey in construction.
The William Morehouse Scholarship was instituted to assist students who are entering a course of study specific to the residential construction industry. Its purpose is to assist students in their pursuit of a career in residential construction and to provide employers in New York State with a strong, Industry-qualified workforce. The scholarship will be a minimum of $500 per applicant per year.
Helen C. Moore Scholarship of the Spencerport Chamber of Commerce - Link to application
Information to be updated when available.
The purpose of this award is to recognize those youth who have performed an outstanding service for their community and/or have assumed an extraordinary role within their families by helping to support themselves. The award is sponsored by the Orleans County Youth Board.
Rochester Area Community Foundation offers the Nautilus Scholarship which provides support to graduating high school seniors in Monroe County pursing a degree in architecture, construction, construction management, or a related field, or a program leading to teacher certification in a STEM field. There will be one award of $4,000.
The Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation provides scholarships to eligible children of Marines and Navy Corpsmen, Chaplains, and Religious Program Specialists. Our scholarships are for children pursuing a post-secondary education at any accredited school--whether that be a trade school, career training school, community college, or four-year university.
National Technical Honor Society and SkillsUSA Scholarship Disclosure Statement and Link to ApplicationSkillsUSA is a partnership of students, teachers and industry working together to ensure America has a skilled workforce. NTHS is honored to be partnered with SkillsUSA to promote their mission and provide four scholarships to active SkillsUSA members who are also current NTHS members in good standing. Eligible applicants must be a dues-paying member of both organizations. The requirements and criteria are decided by SkillsUSA. Visit the scholarship page for application instructions.
This award is presented to a student who will pursue a career in nursing, and has been accepted into a college-level nursing program. The award is sponsored by the Ferris Goodridge Auxiliary.
Horatio Alger Endowment Fund Scholarship Link to applicationThe Career & Technical Scholarship Program funded through the Horatio Alger Endowment Fund provides 500 scholarships up to $2,500 each. Scholarships are awarded to students who have faced and overcome great obstacles in their lives who wish to pursue a career or technical education at an accredited non-profit post-secondary institution in the United States.
Mike Rowe Works Foundation Work Ethic Scholarship Program Link to applicationAwards are available for students who are enrolled or will enroll in one of 17 skilled trade programs. Visit the website for full details.
Named in honor and memory of the NTHS co-founder, the Jon H. Poteat Scholarship is reserved exclusively for current NTHS members who have not graduated. 250 $1,000 scholarships will be awarded to eligible NTHS members. Students will need their NTHS login information to apply.
Fine Homebuilding will be awarding $2,500 scholarship awards to SkillsUSA high school or college/postsecondary students who will continue their education or certification in construction-related fields, including architectural drafting, carpentry, cabinetmaking, electrical and residential wiring, HVACR, masonry, woodworking and plumbing.
The Memorial Fund and SkillsUSA are offering a $500 scholarship to a high school SkillsUSA senior to continue their education in college or technical school.
This award goes to a course completer who demonstrates the highest levels of leadership, community service, and classroom/academic achievement.