About CTE

Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES Career and Technical Education

At BOCES 2 CTE, high school juniors and seniors explore career fields while preparing for meaningful employment or post-secondary education. Our CTE programs foster technical and 21st century skills in classroom and laboratory settings. Programs are aligned to the 16 National Career Clusters, are relevant to career trends, and may include integrated academics. WEMOCO collaborates with business and industry partners to provide students with a variety of work-based learning opportunities.

School Calendar
Students attend Career and Technical Education (CTE) Programs according to their home school schedule and district calendar.

CTE Schedule

CTE students will attend Monday-Friday. There are two cohorts of students (AM and PM sessions). 

AM session: 7:50 to 10:15 a.m. 

PM session: 12:00 to 2:25 p.m. 

Grades and Academic Credit
All Career and Technical Education courses are graded in four 10-week quarters, similar to the student’s home school. Grades and attendance are reported to the home school and recorded on the home school report card. The home school will award credit based on attendance and grades.

  • Recommended Credit (based on a 180-day school year):
    • Morning Session: 4 credits /school year
    • Afternoon Session: 4 credits /school year
  • Academic course credit for the 3rd year of math/science is available in specific classes. English 12 is available for students at the discretion of school districts. Please contact home school counselors for more information.

Districts provide bus service to and from the Career and Technical Education Center. Driving to WEMOCO is at the discretion of school districts.

Books, Materials & Supplies
Many classes at WEMOCO require materials that need to be purchased by the student (i.e., books, safety equipment, uniforms, locks, etc.). Teachers will inform students of required materials during the first week of school. Arrangements will be made to borrow materials for students who are unable to purchase.


Jon Koeng

David Thering
Assistant Principal

Theresa Alampi-Cortez
Assistant Principal

Leslie Tanner
Assistant Principal

Paula Boughton

CTE Purpose Statement

Art of three building pillars with the labels technical, academic, and career readiness
Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES Career and Technical Education develops tomorrow’s workforce through programs that strengthen the technical, academic and career-readiness skills of today’s high school students.

Core Values

Ways we strengthen technical skills: 

• Teaching industry-based knowledge and skills
• Supplying each lab with industry tools and equipment
• Administering technical assessments
• Ensuring teachers are CTE certified and have work experience in their industry
• Offering industry recognized certifications/credentials and licenses
• Offering dual enrollment with local colleges
• Gaining input from advisory committees which include industry representatives
• Taking students on industry visits and field trips
• Facilitating work-based learning opportunities
• Assessing technical skills with employability profiles
• Participating in SkillsUSA

Ways we strengthen academic skills: 

• Offering integrated or specialized academic credit aligned to NYS academic standards
• Embedding academics in all programs
• Utilizing instructional specialists and academic teachers certified in appropriate content areas
• Assuring that academic content is supported by instructional specialists and academic teachers
• Integrated academics are co-taught by CTE teachers with instructional specialists and academic teachers
• Offering dual enrollment with local colleges
• Engaging an instructional support team to monitor and support student progress
• Providing an instructional specialist for special education

Ways we strengthen career-readiness skills: 

• Aligning to Learning Standards for Career Development and Occupational Studies (CDOS)
• Applying the principles of the Framework for 21st Century Learning
• Administering the NOCTI 21st Century Skills for Workplace Success assessment
• Educating in social and emotional competency as guided by the CASEL framework
• Using career-ready practices as defined by the Common Career Technical Core
• Integrating Career and Financial Management (CFM) credit in every CTE course
• Including work related skills in employability profiles
• Applying recommendations from program advisory boards and employers
• Providing Work-Based Learning opportunities for all students
• Requiring portfolios in every program
• Participating in SkillsUSA