Cooperative Career & Technical Education Work Experience Program (Co-op):
- Career development, skill specific
- Paid or unpaid
- Program for LEAs and BOCES CTE centers
- Hazardous occupations allowable with student-learner exceptions
Career Exploration Internship Program (CEIP)
- Career awareness, exploration
- Unpaid
- Program for local educational agencies and BOCES CTE centers
- Hazardous occupations prohibited
Job Shadowing
- Job shadowing is a career exploration activity
- Student follows an employee at a workplace for 1-8 hours to learn about an occupation or career pathway of interest
- These are observation experiences
School-Based Enterprise
- Exists within a school
- Provides services for students, staff, and/or customers from the community
Community Service/ Volunteering and Service Learning
- Students participate in volunteer experiences that teach responsibility, community involvement, and awareness of the needs of others.
- Community service does not directly connect to the knowledge and technical skills learned in the classroom.
- Service learning is community service that directly connects to the knowledge and skills learned in classrooms.
- In service learning, the interwoven service and learning outcomes derive from a singular, distinct pedagogy.
US Department of Labor - Prohibitive Hazardous Occupations
The minimum age is 18 for employment in non-agricultural occupations declared hazardous by the Secretary of Labor.
Some of the restrictions on hazardous occupations do not apply to students who are enrolled in an approved CTE program. These exemptions are marked with an *. For more information, visit the Department of Labor website.
The rules prohibit work in or with the following:
- HO 1. Manufacturing and storing of explosives
- HO 2. Driving a motor vehicle and being an outside helper on a motor vehicle
- HO 3. Coal mining
- HO 4. Logging and sawmilling
- HO 5. Power-driven woodworking machines*
- HO 6. Exposure to radioactive substances
- HO 7. Power-driven hoisting apparatus
- HO 8. Power-driven metal-forming, punching and shearing machines*
- HO 9. Mining, other than coal mining
- HO 10. Meat packing or processing (including the use of power-driven meat slicing machines)*
- HO 11. Power-driven bakery machines
- HO 12. Power-driven paper-products machines*
- HO 13. Manufacturing brick, tile and related products
- HO 14. Power-driven circular saws, band saws, and guillotine shears*
- HO 15. Wrecking, demolition, and ship-breaking operations
- HO 16. Roofing operations*
- HO 17. Excavation operations* p