Student demonstrates teeth brushing knowledge
CTE Food Service
Student checks levels on three bottles
CTE Heavy Equipment student
Students and staff in front of Olympic Rings
CTE CRJ students
Student works on carpentry project
CTE Welding students
CTE ICT student
Student styling hair at CTE
CTE Carpentry

Career & Technical Education


BOCES 2 CTE teachers and students in front of the Olympic Rings at the SkillsUSA National Leadership and Skills Conference

CTE on the national stage

To cap off the 2023-24 school year, BOCES 2 Career and Technical Education was represented at the national level in Atlanta during the SkillsUSA National Leadership and Skills Conference. Eight students competed in six different competitions and an additional two students participated in leadership activities.
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Dr. Thomas Putnam

Dr. Thomas K. Putnam named Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES District Superintendent

The Monroe 2-Orleans Board of Cooperative Education selected Dr. Thomas K. Putnam as district superintendent and officially appointed him to the position on June 26.
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CTE students place first in six contests, medal in 11 at state competition

The 2024 New York State SkillsUSA Leadership and Skills Championships took place at the New York State Fairgrounds in Syracuse from April 24-26.
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2024 New York Area 1 Regionals BOCES 2 CTE Medalists and Elected Officer

CTE students shine at SkillsUSA regional competition

BOCES 2 CTE students’ skills were in full effect on March 5 at the SkillsUSA NY Area 1 Regionals. BOCES 2 CTE students medaled in 11 competitions, earned honors in three additional and took home a regional officer position.
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CTE Schedule

AM Sessions
7:40-7:50 a.m. - Student Arrival
Doors do not open until 7:40 a.m.
7:50-10:15 a.m. - Programs/Courses in Session
10:20 a.m. - Bus departure (estimated)

PM Session
11:45 a.m. to Noon - Student Arrival
Doors do not open until 11:45 a.m.
Noon to 2:25 p.m. - Programs/Courses in Session
2:30 p.m. - Bus departure (estimated)

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Career and Technical Education (CTE) at WEMOCO provides high school juniors and seniors with the opportunity to explore career fields while preparing for meaningful employment or post-secondary education. Our CTE programs develop technical and 21st century skills in classroom and laboratory settings. Programs are aligned to the 16 National Career Clusters and are relevant to career trends. WEMOCO collaborates with business and industry partners to provide students with a variety of work-based learning opportunities.