About Mid-West RBERN

Our Goal

The Mid-West Regional Bilingual Education Resource Network (RBERN) is part of the NYS Education Department's network of support for schools.  

The purpose of Mid-West RBERN is to build capacity within school communities to cultivate strong leaders, high quality, meaningful instruction, and welcoming, inclusive environments for English Language Learners (ELLs) and Multilingual Learners (MLs).  We are committed to developing partnerships that result in equitable educational outcomes for ELLs and MLs by capitalizing on the backgrounds, cultures, and strengths of diverse students and educators.

Our Services 

- Development and delivery of professional development on high quality instruction and assessment practices that support academic achievement for ELLs and MLs.

- Technical assistance on the design, implementation and enhancement of educational programs for ELLs and MLs.

- Technical assistance and workshops on state and federal laws, regulations, and policies.

- Support Network for Resources and Collaboration for the education of ELLs and MLs.

Our Region

  Mid-West RBERN Region Map

Languages in Our Region

Chart showing top 10 languages in the RBERN region

Contact Us!

Phone: (585) 352-2790 
Fax: (585) 352-2613 
Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES
3599 Big Ridge Rd 
Spencerport, NY 14559 

Mid-West RBERN Google Map