It is critical to have an informed, empowered community of parents and families to ensure that English Language Learners (ELLs) are well served.
This Hotline was created to provide parents, guardians and other persons in parental relation of ELLs with information about their rights and services for their children pursuant to Commissioner’s Regulation 154. It also provides a mechanism to respond to specific inquiries about the delivery of these services. The hotline is available in 10 different languages.
The New York State Education Department's Office of Bilingual Education and World Languages (OBEWL) has created an English Language Learner Parents' Bill of Rights which summarizes critical rights concerning educational access and programming for ELLs and their parents. It is available in 27 different languages.
Home is Your Child's First Classroom
Your home is your child's first classroom and there are many simple and free activities that families can do
with their children to foster their learning. Created by the New York State RBERNs for the Office of Bilingual Education & World Languages, the Fun Home Learning resource is available in 11 languages.