Student and staff member
Smiling student
Student checks levels on three bottles
Westview PTP group at Durand with picnic tables
Smiling student
Students and staff in front of Olympic Rings
Student and staff member
Smiling student
CTE students demonstrating
Hair styling at CTE
Closeup of student
CTE Carpentry class with visitors
CTE students in the bakery
Learning Unlimited participants enjoying music
CTE students speaking with a visitor
Westview PTP group at Durand with picnic tables
Student and staff member using tools in the Westview workshop
Two people laughing in a culinary class

MAARS - Monroe Accountability, Assessment & Reporting


Monroe/Orleans Accountability, Assessment, and Reporting Services (MAARS) supports districts and BOCES in the Rochester region, including BOCES 2, Monroe One BOCES, the 19 area districts within those BOCES, charter schools and non-public schools. MAARS services include support with New York State reporting, data warehousing, accountability, student management systems, state assessments and data analysis, as well as content area and graduation requirements.

Westview Commons Business Park
3625 Buffalo Road
Rochester, NY 14624
Ph: (585) 349-9010
Fax: (585) 349-9090
 Graphic and Quote pertaining to the importance of data