Audiological Services

Audiological Services at BOCES 2

Audiologist working with student
Audiology services from Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES are designed to provide students, families, classroom staff, and administration with information about student hearing and listening abilities, as well as appropriate Hearing Assistive Technology (HAT) to accommodate and meet hearing/listening needs in the educational setting. Comprehensive audiological evaluations are completed to assess hearing, middle ear functioning, and functional listening abilities, both with and without the use of personal amplification (hearing aids/cochlear implants). Real ear verification measures and functional assessment tools are used to verify appropriate fitting of DM HAT, as well as to verify the characteristics of students’ personal amplification used as part of the educational amplification system.

(Central) Auditory Processing (CAP) evaluations are also provided to assess auditory processing skills to determine the impact of auditory abilities on listening, learning, and academic progress.

Our licensed/certified audiologists are uniquely qualified to evaluate and diagnose hearing loss, verify/fit educational amplification to meet hearing needs in the often-challenging acoustic environment of the classroom. Audiologists also provide related services on an ongoing basis to assist students in maximizing use of their hearing as well as their hearing assistive technology in a variety of educational/vocational settings.

Audiological consultation is provided to support the educational team and to provide a better understanding the students’ auditory needs and abilities, the care use and management of HAT, as well to identify modifications/accommodations to support student learning across educational settings.

An audiometric technician is also available to provide routine checks of student HAT to ensure equipment is functioning properly in the educational setting.

Who Provides the Service?

Audiologist working with student
Audiology and Hearing Assistive Technology services are provided by trained professionals who have either a master’s degree (MA/MS), or doctorate degree (AuD) in audiology. Audiologists also hold CCC-A and/or ABA certification through one or more national certifying organizations (American Speech-Language Hearing Association-ASHA, American Academy of Audiology-AAA). The audiologists are licensed through the New York State Department Education Department Office of the Professions as licensed audiologists; they are licensed by the NYS Department of State as licensed hearing aid dispensers.

An audiometric technician provides routine checks of the hearing assistive technology fit by the audiologists. The audiometric technician is trained and supervised by the audiologists on the basic function and troubleshooting of hearing assistive technology utilized by students in the educational setting.  

Who Gets the Service?

Audiologist services are provided to support students (ages 5-22) with hearing/listening disorders and their families to facilitate success in school. Students must be referred for evaluation by their teachers, speech-language pathologist, school psychologist, or other school provider as approved by the school district. Continued audiology and FM/DM hearing assistive technology services are contingent upon approval from the student’s school district.

For More Information

Toni A. Gagnier, AuD
Audiology Department Chair
WEMOCO South, 3591 Big Ridge Road, Spencerport NY 14559
Phone: (585) 352-2449
Fax: (585) 352-2651
[email protected]  

Why Educational Audiology?

Cartoon illustrating hearing "PlayDough" instead of "Plato"
Students with hearing and listening problems may experience academic challenges simply because they cannot hear clearly enough to understand the instructor or the material. Poor classroom listening environments exacerbate this problem. Management of all systems which impact communication and learning for these students is necessary to assure every child has the opportunity for an appropriate education. To accomplish this goal Educational Audiologists:
    Perform comprehensive, educationally relevant hearing evaluations and make recommendations to enhance communication access and learning.
    Provide training about hearing, hearing loss and other auditory disorders for school personnel, students, and parents to facilitate a better understanding of the impact of auditory impairments on language, learning, literacy, and social development.
    Evaluate and make recommendations for the use of Hearing Assistive Technology in conjunction with personal hearing aids, cochlear implants, Bahas (i.e., Bone Anchored, Auditory Osseointegrated Device).
    Verify the proper functioning of hearing aids, cochlear implants, Bahas and Hearing Assistive Technology used to access auditory information.
    Explain audiological assessment results to school personnel.
    Collaborate with school, parents, teachers, support personnel, and relevant community agencies and professionals to ensure delivery of appropriate services.
    Consider classroom environment including noise, seating, visual access, and make recommendations for improving the classroom listening environment.
    Participate in IEP, 504 Plan, other team meetings to assist in developing appropriate supports for students with hearing loss and other auditory needs.
    Make appropriate medical, educational and community referrals.
    Coordinate hearing screening programs for preschool and school-aged students ensuring professional standards are followed and screening personnel are appropriately trained.
    Facilitate use and care of amplification devices, including hearing aids, cochlear implants and HAT in the educational setting.
    Administer relevant assessments to measure central auditory processing function and make appropriate educational recommendations.
    Communicate with students, teachers, and parents to facilitate a greater understanding of the impact of noise exposure and hearing loss prevention.