Order NYSESLAT Test Materials

Instructions for Ordering Your Materials

Preprinted NYS Assessment Answer Sheets
MAARS will provide preprinted NYS assessment answer sheets to your schools.

Non-Public schools must contract with MAARS by mid fall of each school year in order to receive this service.

Ordering NYSED Test Booklets
Test booklets must be ordered through NYSED.  NYSED sends out a memo each summer to all school principals explaining where, how and when test booklets should be ordered.  This memo is also posted on the NYSED website at http://www.p12.nysed.gov/assessment/ei/eigen.html.

It is VERY important that test booklets are ordered through NYSED by the deadline they specify in this memo!

When Test Booklets Arrive From NYSED: Check Your Order Carefully
Test booklets from NYSED will be delivered to your school(s) one to three school days prior to the first administration date for that exam.  Please follow the Storage of Test Materials instructions noted on NYSED’s memo.  Even though NYSED does not allow the actual cellophane wrapped booklet packets to be opened, what you received can still be checked against what you ordered.

Once you receive your NYS test booklets, it is very important that you check the quantity of booklets for each type of test you received against your original order (each cellophane wrapped package contains 25 booklets).  This must be done before putting the booklets in storage. If your test booklet order is short, it is very important that you contact the NYS Office of State Assessment ASAP so that they can send your school the missing test booklets. 

  • NYS Office of State Assessment phone number: (518) 474-8220
  • NYS Office of State Assessment fax phone number: (518) 474-2021

MAARS and Monroe 1 BOCES both receive extra test booklets from NYSED, however, we are limited on the number of extra booklets we receive.  This is why it is so important to check your booklet orders as soon as you receive them before you put them in storage.  This is the best way to ensure your schools have what they will need to administer the NYSED exams).

However, if NYSED cannot get the missing booklets to your school in time for administration you may contact us:

For westside schools, contact MAARS (via phone AND email):

Lucy Fagan 
(585) 349-9060 
[email protected]

For eastside schools, contact Monroe 1 BOCES (via phone AND email):

Wanda Briggs
(585) 383-6423 
[email protected]