Cooking for a crowd requires extensive planning and a host of skills. Students in the 6:1:2 Complex Needs class at Westview in the Department for Exceptional Children discovered this when they decided to make a special lunch for fellow students and staff.
The students have been developing their culinary skills all year but planning a meal for the school took things to a whole new level. They decided to put their cooking experience to the test with a Taco and Quesadilla Party. Students spent two weeks planning, budgeting, preparing the menu, determining serving sizes and making a shopping list. They applied math, finance and organizational skills, along with thoughtful consideration of what their guests would need and most enjoy.
On the morning of the party, students trekked to the store with Westview staff members to purchase everything they needed. The chefs began to prep and cook at 9 a.m. By 11 a.m., the buffet was set with an assortment of delicious tacos, quesadillas and a wide choice of toppings, along with side dishes, drinks and desserts.
These party planners were more than up to the challenge they set themselves – everyone had a great lunch! Congratulations to everyone involved!