Allen Foundation

Allen Foundation

Grants are limited under the terms of the foundation's charter to projects that primarily benefit programs for human nutrition in the areas of health, education, training, and research.

The policies and priorities of the Allen Foundation:

• To make grants to fund relevant nutritional research.
• To support programs for the education and training of mothers during pregnancy and after the birth of their children, so that good nutritional habits can be formed at an early age.
• To assist in the training of persons to work as educators and demonstrators of good nutritional practices.
• To encourage the dissemination of information regarding healthful nutritional practices and habits.
• In limited situations to make grants to help solve immediate emergency hunger and malnutrition problems.

The connections between diet and health remain a basic and primary priority, and consideration has always been given to projects that benefit nutritional programs in the areas of education, training, and research. Low priority has traditionally been given to proposals that help solve immediate or emergency hunger and malnutrition problems. The foundation does not under any circumstances sponsor professional conferences, seminar tables, discussion panels, or similar events. The foundation welcomes proposals that develop and advance: (1) the inclusion of mandatory courses in nutrition in medical schools; (2) bringing the promise of nutrigenomics or nutritional genomics to realization; and (3) the promotion of environmentally sound, economically viable, socially responsive, and sustainable food and agricultural systems.

Eligibility requirements for receiving a grant from the Allen Foundation:
In order to be considered for an Allen Foundation grant, you must be a non-profit organization and be able to provide us with a copy of your Internal Revenue Service certification of 501(c) 3 tax-exempt status. If applying from outside the United States, you must inform us how we can document or confirm that you have your country's counterpart or equivalent of the 501(c)(3) form. Only online submissions of grant proposals will be considered for possible funding. Click on Link to More Info, below; then click on How to Apply and follow the instructions for submitting a proposal online.

» Link to More Info

For Grantwriting/Program Development Assistance:

Grants Office  
Phone: (585) 352-2773
Email: [email protected]