Consultant Teacher (CT) Program

The CT Program at BOCES 2

Teacher working with several students
The purpose of Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES Consultant Teacher (CT) program is to work on meeting students’ learning needs in an inclusive environment within a variety of settings, including public, charter and private schools as indicated on students’ Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) or Individualized Education Service Programs (IESPs).

This program is highly individualized as the CT helps to support each student's progress towards their own IEP/IESP goals, taking into consideration grade level standards, curriculum and unique learning needs. CTs can provide support through the Indirect, Direct or Resource Room models, or through a combination of all three based on recommendations made by the Committee on Special Education (CSE).

The Indirect Consultant Teacher Model provides on-going consultation to students’ classroom teachers and educational teams to:
  •  modify instruction, supports and assessments in a manner that accounts for students’ individual needs.
  • develop routines and procedures to help students gain independence and experience success within the classroom.
  • help to ensure that students’ program modifications and testing accommodations are provided.
  • gather data relative to students’ growth to update quarterly IEP/IESP progress notes.
  • provide input and updates to IEPs/IESPs for CSE meetings.
  • serve as liaisons for the school team, students and families.
The Direct Consultant Teacher Model provides all of the services above, plus push-in support within the students’ general education class or classes to:
  • work with classroom teachers to design and facilitate instruction tailored to students’ strengths and areas of growth.
  • provides students with real-time support in the classroom to facilitate learning.
  • support classroom environments that meet students’ individual academic, social, physical and management needs.
  • assist with providing the modifications and accommodations that students need to successfully progress towards their IEP/IESP goals.
The Resource Room Model provides students time outside the classroom within groups of one-to-five students to supplement instruction by:
  • providing targeted practice in areas aligned to IEP/IESP goals.
  • pre-teaching and re-teaching important skills and concepts that cannot be adequately addressed in the regular classroom setting.

Who Provides the Service?

CT working with several students
The Consultant Teacher and Resource Room programs are provided by New York State Certified Special Education Teachers who are trained in the philosophy of inclusion and specially designed instruction.  

Who Receives the Service?

Teacher with students
CT and Resource Room programming is contingent upon CSE approval for school-age students with disabilities. There are 13 categories of educational disabilities in New York State which students can be classified under through a formal evaluation process. When an educational disability is suspected, students may be referred for an evaluation by parents/guardians, teachers, physicians, school districts and/or outside agencies.

For More Information

Maureen O'Connor-Maulfair
Department Chair
160 Wallace Way, Building 9
Rochester, NY 14624
Phone: (585) 617-2321
Fax: (585) 349-8897
[email protected] 

Why the CT Model?

The program is provided to assist with adapting content or delivering specially designed instruction so that students with disabilities can progress in their general education programs and curriculum.  

Our aim is to get to know each individual student and, aside from the parent/guardian, be that student's best advocate.
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