Forklift Safety

Lift your Career to New Heights!

This Forklift Safety class is a one-day class that takes place on Saturday. While the course is primarily focused on safety, students will learn both the theory behind safely operating a forklift and have the opportunity to develop practical skills while operating. The instructor will provide ample safety instruction before the practical portion of the course. NOTE: This class results in a Forklift Safety credential, but does not result in a Forklift Operator certification.

Course Information

Program Requirements:
  • 18 years of age or older
  • HS diploma recommended, not required (note: employers may require a high school diploma)
Tuition, schedule, and location have not been determined for the 2024-25 school year. Please complete a contact card to receive future program notifications and check this website often. 

Complete a contact card to connect with an advisor, learn more about the program, and receive program notifications.