Program Policies & Handbook

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CWD Important Policies & Handbook

Career Training Admissions Standards
Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES Center for Workforce Development has standard requirements for admission into Career & Technical training programs. Applicants must meet or exceed the requirements for each program to be recommended for standard admission. Those who do not meet the standard admission requirement may be considered for alternate pathways, such as supported dual enrollment. All requirements are subject to Director adjustment.

Standard Admissions
Admissions requirements for each program are stated on each program’s webpage. They may include a TABE Reading and Math assessment as well as additional documentation, such as a high school diploma or equivalency. All applicants must complete each step of the admissions process prior to acceptance into a program. Applicants who have successfully completed all admission requirements and made final payment will be admitted on a space-available basis.
Provisional Admissions
Adult learners who do not meet the criteria for standard admissions, may qualify for provisional admissions, which includes enrollment in our Support Dual Enrollment program. This includes adult learners who score below the standard on TABE assessment or do not have a high school diploma for a program requiring one.
Supported Dual Enrollment
The Supported Dual Enrollment program allows adult learners to receive needed academic and/or language support while enrolled in a Career & Technical Education (CTE) program. With this innovative offering, adult learners prepare to enter the workplace with highly sought-after skills while at the same time acquiring the necessary English language, reading, writing, and/or mathematical skills to be workplace ready. Adult learners may also work towards achieving their high school equivalency diploma. Individuals at least 21 years old and without a US high school diploma may also be eligible to attend the CTE program at a reduced rate.
Deferred Admissions
Adult learners who do not meet the TABE entrance criteria for standard or provisional admissions, will be referred to our literacy program for instruction to improve their reading and math skills. Adult learners can retake the TABE assessment in accordance with the plan developed by their advisor and instructor.

Transfer From Other Institutions
Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES offers specialized, short-term, clock-hour training programs and is a non-credit-bearing institution. Therefore, we do not allow adult learners to transfer credits or clock hours from other institutions.
Transfer within the institution
Due to the specialized content in each training program, clock hours attended are only applicable to each individual program. No transfer between training programs is accepted. Adult learners are free to withdraw from a program and reapply to another at the next scheduled start date and will be subject to the withdrawal/refund policy as stated in this document. Acceptance to the new program will be based upon fulfilling all enrollment requirements and available space.
Acceptance Postponement
An adult learner may elect to postpone their acceptance to a future class. When postponing acceptance to a future class in a new program year, funds paid will be refunded to the adult learner. The adult learner is then responsible for initiating payment for the new year at the applicable tuition rates.

High School Diploma Requirements
Some programs at CWD require proof of a high school graduation. Proof must clearly indicate the student's graduation date and can be provided in the following ways:
• A copy of a high school diploma or equivalency
• A transcript sent directly from the issuing school
• Certified translated foreign diplomas
• Original transcripts that clearly indicate a student’s graduation date may be acceptable for those who cannot obtain a copy of their diploma. Digital copies of transcripts, such as PDFs, may be rejected if we are unable to verify their authenticity.
Proof of high school graduation can be emailed to [email protected] or uploaded directly to the student portal under Forms/Documents.
Correspondence study and online diplomas are not valid for students who were New York State residents at the time they received the online diploma, per New York State Education Department regulations. Students who were out-of-state residents at the time of their graduation should refer to the policies and regulations on high school diplomas established by their home state education departments.
If you have questions about your documentation, please email [email protected]..
Copies of high school equivalency diplomas can only be obtained directly from NYSED. Visit for more information.

Financial Standards
Outstanding Balances
Any outstanding balances will be billed to the adult learner within 30 days of program withdrawal based on the BOCES’s refund policy and is payable immediately. Failure to pay outstanding balances within 60 days of program withdrawal will result in outstanding balances being sent to a third-party debt collector. All fees incurred due to accounts being referred to collections will come at the adult learner’s expense. The adult learner will be responsible for the debt collection fees in addition to the outstanding balance.

Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES CWD reserves the right to withhold adult learner Certificate of Completion, transcripts and deny approval for state board examinations to any adult learner who has an outstanding balance.

Payment options include MasterCard, VISA, check, cash, cashier’s check, money order, or company purchase order. Have your check, money order, or company purchase order made payable to Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES. Adult learners may be eligible to receive funding through agencies such as: ACCES-VR and RochesterWorks! programs. Various other funding sources are available such as State and Federal grants. Payment must be received to secure one’s enrollment.

Refund/Withdrawal Policy (updated 08/19/2024)
Participants wishing to officially withdraw from the program should initiate the process in writing to the admissions office or, if applicable, a student advisor. Confirmation of Withdrawal and any balance the adult learner owes (if applicable) will be billed and mailed to the adult learner. If applicable, full and partial refunds can take up to 45 days for processing. Refunds may be issued by check, regardless of the original form of payment. CWD will provide a full refund in the event an entire course or program is cancelled for any reason.
 Individuals are not eligible for a refund if they:
•    are dismissed from the program due to lack of academic progress or a conduct violation (see the Conduct and Dismissal Policy for further information) 
•    stop attending, but do not provide a written intent to withdrawal before their 3rd missed class 
Adult learners are encouraged to maintain contact with their instructor and advisor if they cannot attend class for any reason. Please refer to the attendance policy for additional details. Individuals who officially withdraw will be eligible for a refund based on the schedule below. The calculation of tuition liability will be calculated from the last day of documented attendance.
Tuition refunds for all programs will be made according to the following schedule:

Refund Schedule
Classes/Programs 1-36 hours in length*
*including Summer at the Center

Time of Withdrawal = Percent of Refund
  • Before the registration deadline (typically 72 business hours prior to class start) = 100%
  • After the registration deadline = 0%
Note: the registration deadline for Summer at the Center is June 1. After that date, no refunds will be issued.
Classes/Programs 37-89 hours in length

Time of Withdrawal = Percent of Refund
  • 24 hours prior to start of class = 100%
  • After 1 class = 50%
  • Up to 2 classes = 0%
Classes/Programs 90 hours or more in length

Time of Withdrawal = Percent of Refund
  • 24 hours prior to start of class = 100%
  • After 1 class = 90%
  • Up to 3 classes = 75%
  • Up to 5 classes = 50%
  • Up to 7 classes = 25%
  • 8 classes or more = 0%
Refund policy for 100% online coursework:
 Due to the digital nature of these courses, no refunds will be offered once a course is purchased and access to the online material has been granted. 

Career Training Attendance Policy
Career Education programs are considered preparation for employment, and as such are designed with policies/expectations matching those that are found with our employer partners. The Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES Center for Workforce Development Adult Education faculty and staff are committed to helping adult learners achieve their goals. Your success is directly linked to your attendance, and we expect adult learners to attend 100% of scheduled instruction (in person and online). Missing 10% or more of instruction can negatively impact your performance and result in an inability to demonstrate the necessary knowledge and skills for satisfactory completion of the course. 
An adult learner should make every attempt to communicate a planned or expected absence to their instructor, via email, phone message, or in person. Students who stop attending but fail to provide written notification of their intent to withdrawal before their third missed class are ineligible for a refund. Please see the refund/withdrawal policy for more details.   
In the case of an excused absence or extenuating circumstances, material or activities missed may be made up at the discretion of the instructor and the student may be asked to provide documentation to justify missed coursework. In many cases, activities that require hands-on practice cannot be made-up. 
The following tier system outlines the expectations for adult learner attendance and how CWD intends to respond to repeated absences or tardiness.  
  • Tier 1: Adult learner communicates with teacher prior to missed class and discusses how to make up work, if possible.  If work is successfully completed, and the instructor has no concerns about the adult learner’s skill competency, no referral or documentation is necessary. 
  • Tier 2: After 3 missed classes or excessive tardiness, the instructor sends a referral to the student advisor to follow up with adult learner and make a plan of action to improve attendance and avoid potential dismissal.  
  • Tier 3: After 5 missed classes or excessive tardiness, the instructor sends a referral to the student advisor. Student advisor meets with adult learner to make a plan of action to improve attendance and avoid potential dismissal. The plan may include a meeting with the program supervisor and formal notice of probation. 
  • Tier 4: If a adult learner misses a class for any reason after the establishment of an action plan, the adult learner may be dismissed. 
*Note: Adult learners enrolled in the Commercial Driver’s License – Class B course, may not miss more than one class. After one missed class, an adult learner will move from Tier 1 to Tier 3 and may be dismissed from the program.

For more information on these or any other policies, including the Code of Conduct, please view or download the Handbook below