CWD Spotlight on Success

Become the next CWD Spotlight on Success!
The BOCES 2 Center for Workforce Development is proud of its graduates and their accomplishments after completing their adult education programs. CWD would like to spotlight the success alumni have achieved. If you are a graduate of a CWD program, complete the form below.

Be sure to follow CWD on Facebook at to see your spotlight and others as CWD celebrates adult success!

Phone Number
Which CWD adult education program did you complete?
Approximately when did you complete the CWD program?
What occupation are you in now and at what company?
How did CWD positively impact your success and career accomplishments?
Why would you recommend CWD and adult learning to others?
Please upload a photograph of yourself to be used in the social media graphic and on the CWD website. By uploading, you authorize CWD and BOCES 2 to use your photograph.
Would you be interested in volunteering as a CWD alumni ambassador and sharing the word about adult education at CWD?
Any other comments or questions?
Your Name:
Your Email:

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