At Westside Jr./Sr. High Academy:
- Students follow Regents-degree programming aligned with New York State standards and with the academic expectations of our Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES component districts.
- Class sizes average 15 students per teacher, giving each of our learners extensive exposure to subject-area material and maximized interaction with their teachers.
- Our staff of counselors, aides and behavioral assistants works with students individually to help them grow beyond at-risk behaviors, instilling them with the personal and social interactive skills required for success.
- The unique Westside Jr./Sr. High Academy atmosphere is created by staff members who use time outside of formal classroom instruction to work one-on-one with students who need extra help. Relationships are formed -- we socialize, play basketball or go for walks with students -- building the trust students need to get the greatest benefit from their learning experience.
Does our approach work? With graduation rates at 99%, our results tell us we're on the right track, and individual students tell us we're an important influence in their lives. But our real goal -- all statistics, targets and percentages notwithstanding -- is simple and direct: to show each student in our care that learning is not beyond them, and that life holds infinite opportunities.
All visitors must come to the main office to be signed in and provided a Westside Jr./Sr. High Academy escort.
Referrals to Monroe 2-Orleans Westside Jr./Sr. High Academy come from a student’s home school district. Parents are encouraged to speak with a representative from their child’s district for more information about the referral process.
For more information about Westside Jr./Sr. High Academy, please contact: Westside Jr./Sr. High Academy Principal Edward Mongold 585-617-2550 OR Clerical at 585-617-2550, FAX 617-2590.
Westside Jr./Sr. High Academy is located at 3555 Buffalo Road, Rochester NY 14624.