Confidential Employee Exit Survey

Please Submit This Form

Confidential Employee Exit Survey
Reason(s) for leaving

If you answered "other" above, please specify.
What are your plans after leaving?
Comments/suggestions for improvement: What did you like most about your job?
Comments/suggestions for improvement: What did you like least about your job?
How would you rate the pay for your job?

How would you rate the provided holidays?

How would you rate vacations and personal days?

How would you rate the retirement plan?

How would you rate the health insurance?

How would you rate the flexible spending plan?

How would you rate the provided sick leave?

How satisfied were you with the opportunity to use your abilities?

How satisfied were you with the recognition you received for the work you did?

How satisfied were you with the training you received?

How satisfied were you with your supervisor's management methods?

How satisfied were you with the opportunities you had to speak with your supervisor?

How satisfied were you with information you received on policies and procedures?

How satisfied were you with discipline policies and practices?

How satisfied were you with job transfer policies and practices?

How satisfied were you with overtime policies and practices?

How satisfied were you with performance review policies and practices?

How satisfied were you with your physical working conditions?

Name (optional)
Years at BOCES 2
Additional Comments

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