It is important to
use good respiratory precautions with ill children, to remind children
about respiratory etiquette, good hand washing, and the importance of
not sharing personal items.
D-68 is a viral illness that causes mild to severe respiratory illness
and at this time, no specific treatment or anti-viral medication exists.
Some possible symptoms of EV-D68 are a fever, runny nose, sneezing,
coughing, and body aches. Reminding your children about hand washing and
covering their mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing are the best
defense. If a child is ill with a fresh upper respiratory illness,
please do not send the child to school, but allow them to rest and
recover at home.
The Centers for Disease Control
has posted helpful information to learn more about this particular
virus. Click any of the links below to visit the CDC and learn more
information about enterovirus. As with any medical condition, contact your healthcare provider if you are concerned about your symptoms.
Link to the NYS Dept of Health Website:
NYS Department of Health Confirms Cases of Serious Respiratory Virus