Every year, students at Westview in the Department for Exceptional Children participate in the United Way’s Day of Caring. They can be found on that day volunteering at community centers, parks and even cemeteries. This year’s Day of Caring on May 11 was no different: our 6:1:1 and 6:1:2 classes were out in force – working hard to prepare the YMCA’s Northpoint Camp in Hilton for summer day campers.
Eight Westview students along with four staff members clocked four long hours of cleaning up sports fields and yards, doing landscaping work, raising tents and painting buildings. Luckily, the combination of great team members, laughter and beautiful weather made the time fly.
For Westview students, Day of Caring is an opportunity to learn about their community, find a cause they care about, volunteer and connect with others, and make a difference. Our group was proud to be part of the more than 6,000 local volunteers supporting 200 nonprofit agencies across six counties in this Day of Caring.